Czechoslovakian Wolfdog - kennel Šedý Poklad

30.12.2022 Traditional walk of our breedings

We walked with Rio Rebel, Rufus, Raviola, Quick Silver, Charleen, Enigma, Orfeus, Santini, Lancelot, Phantom, Mufasa, Finn z Katusického dvora and Biaggi Lucky of Lukava.

TOP DOG 2022

Legenda ended up on 3rd place in FCI group I in yearlong ranking competition for the best dog of teh Czech Republic.

4.12.2022 Jubilee show ČMKU Brno

Judge: Petr Řehánek 
Our team was represented by: 
Rufus: Exc. 1, CAJC, Jubilee junior winner 
Phantom: Exc. 1, CAC 
Nadir: Exc. 2, res. CAC 
Orfeus: Exc. 1, CAC 
Querida: Exc. 2 
Queen of Wolf: Exc. 1, CAJC, BOJ, Jubilee junior winner  
Legenda MOAI: Exc. 1, CAC, National Winner, Jubilee winner, BOB, BIG IV.  
That was our last show for this year. Congratulations to all and thank you for the great presentation of our kennel.

20.10.2022 Extreme dog Race Steeplechase

Iva and Leilla took a part at the very last of the Extreme dog Race Steeplechase series of 2022 and finished it! Congratulations. 

18.11. - 20.11. 2022 Dog shows Geneve

Orfeus Šedý poklad 
18.11 - Disqualification 
18.11 - CAC, r.CACIB, judge: Cardoso Silva 
19.11 - CAC, r.CACIB, judge: Manola Poggesi
20.11 - CAC, CACIB, BOB, Crufts Qualification, judge: Beata Petkevich 

17.11. Orfeus with his owner took a long trip to Switzerland, where 4 beautiful show shows were held. After the first day, when Pája and Orfeus nearly missed their judgeing and Orfeus did not have enough time to settle down and growled at the judge Olga Šinko and was disqualified, all went eventually well. Orfeus became Swiss Champion, which is very valuable for us. 
Orfeus is historically the very first of his breed to have Swiss Champion titile in our country. Congratulations, boys!

5.-6.11.2022 2x International show Poznań (PL)

Mufasa Šedý poklad became Grand Champion of Poland!

5.11.2022, judge: Peter Harsanyi (HU)
Champion cl.: Excellent 1/3, CWC, CACIB, BOB 

6.11.2022, judge: Lisbeth Mach (CH)
Champion cl.: Excellent 1/2, CWC, CACIB, BOS


Our breddings took a test of endurance on a track of 40 length. Even though the weather was not the best, they did very well! Congratulations once again for completing the test!

Pavel Krch with Orfeus
result: Excellent in time 03:03:47 (bike) - the best time of the test!

Lenka Vacková with Fík (Phantom) 
result: Very good in time 03:23:15 (bike)

 Iva Eichlová with Leilla
result: Very good in time 03:22:44 (bike) 

Pavel Lank with Hope (Pepsi) 
result: good in time 03:56:16 (run) - huge respect for this couple, who did the 40 km long route on feet! 

28.10. - 30.10.2022 Incheba EXPO dog - Bratislava

28.10.2022 (Friday) - judge: Petra Márová
Orfeus: Excellent 1, CAC, res. CACIB
Mufasa: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Querida: Excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ
Legenda MOAI: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, GP National winner 2nd place , BIG III.

29.10.2022 (Saturday) - judge: Štefan Šinko
Orfeus: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, Grand Prix National winner 1st place!
Mufasa: Excellent 1, CAC, Res. CACIB - NEW Grand Champion SK!
Querida: Excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ
Legenda MOAI: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS

30.10.2022 (Sunday) - judge: Vlado Piskay
Orfeus: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Mufasa: Excellent 2, res.CAC
Querida: Excellent 1 , CAJC, BOJ - NEW Junior Champion SK!
Legenda MOAI: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, Grand Prix National winner 

Congratulations to all and thank you for your time and efford!

21.10.2022 PUPPIES ARE BORN!

Our "S"pecial litter was born 21st October 2022. Some of the loveliest moments, that a breeder can have, are in front of us. We have 8 puppies - 6 boys and 2 girls.

Krmivo Brit Krmivo Brit

21.10. - 23.10. 2022 Komárom CACIB Hungary

Mufasa and Querida went together to be shown in Hungary. For Querida it was the very first long trip and experience, but by the side of her big buddy Moody she did very well. Genes of their mum Enigma can't be denied.

Mufasa Šedý poklad (own.: Dominika Burianová)
New Grand Champion Hungary & New Show Champion Hungary

Querida Šedý poklad (own.: Markét Pocsová)
New Junior Champion Hungary

21.10.2022, judge: Dr. Balogh Zsuzanna (HU)
Mufasa - champion cl.: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
Querida - junior cl.: Excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ, BOB

22.10.2022, judge: Mr. Alberto Cuccillato (IT)
Mufasa - champion cll: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Querida - junior cl.: Excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ, BOS

23.10.2022, judge: Péter Harsányi (HU)
Mufasa - champion cl.: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Querida - junior cl.: Excellent 1, CAJC, Derby Winner, Best Derby Winner, BOB

15.10.2022 regional show Litoměřice

Judge: Karel Hořák
Rufus: Excellent 1, Junior Class Winner
Orfeus: Excellent 1, Class Winner
Phantom: Excellent 1, Class Winner
Mufasa: Excellent 1, Class Winner, Regional Winner, 1st Best male in show!
Queen of Wolf: Excellent 1, Junior Class Winner
Querida: Excellent 2
Legenda MOAI: Excellent 1, Class Winner, Regional Winner, 2nd Best female in show
Cindy Grey: Excellent 1, The best veteran

1st place The Best Breeders Group (Mufasa, Rufus, Queen of Wolf, Cindy Grey, Legenda MOAI)
Congratulations to all and thank you for representing our kennel so well.

13.10.2022 Dogtreking “Pojizeřím za sluncem“

History and her owner successfully finished dogtreking of 25 km length on 1st place. Congratulations for the success!

Autumn shows Gradačac 8.-9.10.2022

Mufasa Šedý is now champion of 10 countries!
New Grand champion Bosnia and Hercegovina
Champion Bosnia and Hercegovina
Champion of Bosnia and Hercegovina Federation

Autumn CAC show 8.10.2022
Judge: Dušan Paunovič
Excellent 1, CAC, Best CAC male, BOB

Autumn CACIB show 8.10.2022
Judge: Nemanja Jovanovič
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

Autumn CAC show 9.10.2022
Judge: Hadžič Refet
Excellent 1, CAC, Best CAC male, BOB, BIG 3

Autumn CACIB show 9.10.2022
Judge: Šerak Damir
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, Autumn winner, BIG 3

1.10.2022 Regional show Rokycany

Judge: A. Karban
Khaan Kandaletto: Excellent 1, Class Winner, Regional Winner

25.9.2022 Regional show Louny

Judge: Petr Řehánek
Leilla: Excellent 1, Class Winner, Regional Winner

24.9.2022 Regional show Džbán

Judge: A. Grygarová
Legenda MOAI: Excellent 1, Class Winner, Regional Winner nad BEST IN SHOW FEMALE!
Final weer judged by Leoš Jančík. Thank you!

17.9.2022 IDS Klatovy

Judge: A. Grygarová
Orfeus: Excellent 1, CAC, res. CACIB
Mufasa: Excellent 1, CAC
Querida: Excellent 1, CAJC
Legenda MOAI: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG III.
Cindy Grey: Excellent 1, BOV

Congratulations to all and thank you for being with us despite the weather we had. Big thanks belongs also to the judge for her correct judging.


As History's owner wrote: "Five years ago it seemed as an unreachable goal. As was the placing in v TOP DOG competition and winning title Best of day. However today History got the most valuable championship by post from Belgium - International show Champion (C.I.E.)
I am blessed for the opportunity to have you in a show ring by my side."

C.I.E., GCh. CZ, PL, Ch.CZ, SK, PL, ČMKU, JCh. CZ, SK History Šedý poklad
We are very happy as well! Congratulations!

14.9.-15.9.2022 Kenzo Power & Mortimer went to Bosnia & Hercegovina

By winning their classes and BOB titles both days they both became CHAMPIONS and GRAND CHAMPIONS BOSNIA & HERCEGOVINA, plus CHAMPION BIH FEDERATION.
Kenzo also got his last requiered CIB to become C.I.E. (Internationl show champion).


24.9.2022 INTERNATIONAL SHOW Wroclaw

Judge: Katarzyna Fiszdon
Mufasa Šedý poklad - champion class: Excellemt 1/2, CWC, CACIB, BOB


The girls participated at the very last race of the DIRTY DOG CHALLENGE even though Iva had fever and caugh.
Their time was only 1 minute worse than the last time. They have my great admiration!

11.9.2022 Specialty show KCHČSV Týnec nad Labem

Judge: J.Jedlička - MALES, M. Václavík - FEMALES

Pascal: Very good
Phantom: Exc. 4th
Orfeus: Exc. 3rd
Mortimer: Exc. 2nd, res. CAC
Kenzo Power: Exc. 4th
Mufasa: Exc. 3rd
Queen of Wolf: Very good
Legenda MOAI: Exc. 1, CAC, ČKŠ

Thank you all for your company and presentation!

10.9.2022 Meeting in Zoopark Chomutov

There were 7 of our breedings out of 4 litters:
Hannah and Happy Wolf, Mufasa, Quick, Rufus, Raviolka, Rio Rebel.

4.9.2022 National show Olomouc

Judge: Vlado Piskay (SK)

Orfeus: Exc. 1, CAC
Nadir: Exc. 1, CAC, National Winner a BOS!
Mortimer: Exc. 2, res. CAC
Kenzo Power: Exc. 2, res. CAC
Querida: Exc. 1, CAJC, BOJ!
Queen of Wolf: Exc. 2
Legenda MOAI: Exc. 1, CAC, National Winner, BOB, BIG II.
Cindy Grey: Exc. 1, BOV

Thank you all for the lovely day and congratulations on your results.

3.9.2022 Ivča & LeillA at HARD DOG RACE

Duodanube Bratislava 2.-4.9.2022

Mufasa Šedý poklad
2.9. judge P. H. Lehkonen (FIN) - Exc. 3rd
3.9. judge Z. Mikolková (SK) - Exc. 1st, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG III.
Grand National Prize: 2nd place (judge: J. Matyáš)
4.9. judge L. Jančík (CZ) - Exc. 2nd, res. CAC

28.8.2022 IDS Rybnik (PL)

Judge: Vlado Piskay (SK)
Kenzo Power: Excellent 1, CWC, CACIB, BOS - new Grand Champion PL!

26.8.2022 Mufasa succesfuly passed BH - VT


20.8.2022 international dog show Mladá Boleslav

Judge: Petr Řehánek
Siy dog bred by us were presented at the show. They got lovely critiques and some of the deffinately didn't get lost in the competition. All owners had their dog in perfect condition and presented then very well. We enjoyed teh lovely day and we are great team together. It was amazing to see you all again and we look forward to enother event spent with you, guys!

Have a look at the results:
Phantom: Excellent 2
Orfeus: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Mufasa: Excellent 2, res. CAC
Querida: Very promising 1
Legenda MOAI: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG V.
Cindy Grey: Excellent 1

Thank you all for the presentation!


Judge: M. Václavík

Phantom Šedý poklad - junior cl.: Exc. 1, Junior class Winner
Mufasa Šedý poklad - winner cl.: Exc. 1, Class Winner, Regional Winner, Grand National prize - 2nd place, BIG 1
Leilla: Exc. 2

Fíik's (Phantom) premiere - the very first show and he with his owner did so well. He was absolutely allright the whole day and also in the hall for the afternoon competition!

Leilla Šedý poklad in podcast


Friday, judge Vlado Piskay:
Orfeus: Exc.1, CAC , res. CACIB
Jagger: Exc.1 without title
Querida: Very promising 1
Legenda MOAI: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG I.

Saturday, judge Ladislav Kukla:
Orfeus: Exc.1, CAC
Jagger: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Legenda MOAI: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS

Sunday, judge Monika Soukupová:
Orfeus: Exc.1, CAC
Querida: Very promising 1, 2nd BEST IN SHOW PUPPY

Congratulations to all!

4.-7.8.2022 ISTRA Slovenian Summer Dog Shows

Mufasa Šedý poklad - NEW Champion Slovenia
Moody has 9th country on his list and Championship #17!

4.8.2022 CACIB Portorož
judge: Cristian Stefanescu, RO
Excellent 1, CAC, res. CACIB

5.8.2022 CACIB Izola
judge: Vojislav Al Daghistani, RS
Excellent 1, CAC, res. CACIB

6.8.2022 CACIB Koper
judge: Leif Herman Wilberg, NO
Excellent 1, CAC, res. CACIB

7.8.2022 CACIB Ankaran
judge: Andrzej Stepinski, PL
Excellent 1, CAC, res. CACIB

Competition was on a high level from Italy and Moody enjoyed the sea very much. Congratulations!

1.8.2022 Leilla with her owner iva had bussy weekend.

On Saturday they were at another race of Kaollin series - the Water dog game. They improved their time for 18 minutes. And on Sunday they went to a regional show in Rychety. Leilla took Exc.1, Class and Regional Winner from open class.
Judge: Božena Ovesná
The girls did not wait for finals, because Leilla was tired. Congratulations, girls!

1.8.2022 Regional show Kladno

Rozhodčí: Karel Hořák
Judge: Very promising 1

1.8.2022 IDS Opole (PL)

Kenzo Power: Excellent 1, CWC, CACIB , BOS

30.7.2022 Hruboskalský caniscross

Jana & History ran Enduro 5 km and finished on 9th place out of 22 racers. Congratulations!

23.7.2022 Regional show Martiněves

Judge: Tibor Havelka (SK)
Orfeus Šedý poklad: Exc.1, Class Winner, Regional Winner, BIG 2nd place
Querida: Very promising 1
Jagger: Exc.1, Class Winner

21.7.2022 Phantom & Mufasa passes the test ZOP

Congratulations on the passing of the test at a traning camp for Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs.

18.7.2022 Unexpected visit today

Marta and Míra took a secret trip to clinic Live with "Manny" (Morfeus) for x-ray across the whole country. At first they scare me to death, but after I got results into my hands I was over the moon!

Morfeus has HD A 0/0 and ED 0-0.

Congratulation and thank you for the great care. It was nice to see you.

16.7.2022 National show Mladá Boleslav

Judge: Petra Márová

Participants from our kennel:
Orfeus: Exc. 1st, CAC
Jagger: Exc. 1st, CAC, National winner, BOB, BIG I.
Querida: Very promising 3rd
Leilla: Exc. 1st, CAC
Legenda MOAI: Exc. 1st, CAC, National winner
Cindy Grey: Exc. 1st, BOV, BOS - short list BIS veteran

Thank you for the lovely day and presentation and congratulations to all!

15.7.2022 Elodin the movie star

The "wolf" from the poster of the movie Hazard is Elodin Šedý poklad.
Recording of the scenes took two days. It was great fun, but also many days of preparations and traning.
We can not show you more behind the scene photos but we can show you one, where Loki is in his full "make-up" for the movie. His owners had the fake blood everywhere - on a dog and their other dog Auri, in a car, on their clothes and at home as well...


Kenzo and Mortimer took new champion titles this weekend. Both became Grand Champions and Champions of Monte Negro. Kenzo also became Champion of NATO.

8.7.-10.7.2022 Arad - Romania

Mufasa & Orfeus Šedý poklad became Romanian Champions & Romanian Grand Champions.

8.7.2022 CACIB SHOW
Judge: Petru Munteanu, RO
Mufasa Šedý poklad - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Orfeus Šedý poklad - Exc.1, CAC, res. CACIB

Judge: Jakkel Tamás, HU, prezident FCI
Mufasa Šedý poklad - Exc.1, CAC
Orfeus Šedý poklad - Exc.1, CAC, Nejlepší pes, BOB, BIG 4th place

Judge: Igor Selimovic, HR
Mufasa Šedý poklad - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, Transilvania winner
Orfeus Šedý poklad - Exc.1, CAC, res. CACIB

Judge: Štefan Šinko, SLO
Mufasa Šedý poklad - Exc.1, CAC
Orfeus Šedý poklad - Exc.1, CAC, Nejlepší pes, BOB, BIG 4th place

10.7.2022 CACIB SHOW
Judge: Dušan Paunovič, SR
Mufasa Šedý poklad - Exc.1, CAC, res.CACIB
Orfeus Šedý poklad - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS

Boys did their best. They managed staying together in one room. During the dinner Moody guarded the room without any damages and Orpheus watched after as at the table.

IDS Litoměřice

Orfeus: Exc.1, CAJC, BOJ - short listed in finals
Querida: Very promising 1st
Legenda MOAI: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Cindy Grey: Exc.1
#3 Best Breeders group Congratulations to all and thank you!


History at caniscross race SMRŽOFF CUP 2022.

Girls ended up on 16th place.

26.6.2022 Intercanis Brno

Orfeus: Exc.1, CAC, Res.Cacib - NEW JUNIOR CHAMPION CZ!
Mortimer: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Kenzo Power: Exc.2, Res. CAC
Querida: Very promising 2nd
Legenda MOAI: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Cindy Grey: Exc.1, BOV

Congratulations to all and thank you for presentation of our kennel!


Judge: Anna Dzidt
Mufasa: Exc.1, CWC , BEST DOG, BOB!


Mufasa conquerred show in Benatky, Kalunga was marching through Krkonoše adn we together with Iva (Vali & Charleen) went on a quick trip to Krušné mountains. It were two wonderful days of sun, brooks, forests but above all peaceful moments away from common problems.
We managed 35km. Charleen and Vali are amazing duo who could run freely around us and enjoy their freedom.
Krušné mountains are AMAZING.


This weekend was indeed tropical as Jarka wrote at our FB group:
Dear Poklad(s), our crossing of mountains did not go according to the plan. We started in Harrachov, and wanted to end in Trutnov or Svoboda nad Úpou. We eventually ended our jurney in Horní Maršov with our 13kg baggage. We did not conquerred the magical 50 km but we are totally exhausted. It is said you do not need what you do not have. We forgot a cream against sun, but we desperately needed one. But the experience was worth it anyway :))


A lovely show, where each participant got a package with goodies and catalogue, diplomas, critiques and rosettes.

Mufasa Šedý poklad
BEST IN SHOW - WINNER of Benátek nad Jizerou
- judge Karel Hořák
1st Best male - judge Mgr. Božena Ovesná (all breeds were judged together)
Exc.1, Class Winner, Regional Winner - judge Karel Hořák

Moody did his best event in the terrible heat. Together with his owner Dominika they were appreciated for handling. Dominika made him rest as much as possible with regular cooling.
Dominika wrote me: I was over the moon that I could proudly represent our national breed. I had tears of joy in the car, Moody is the best buddy ever.
Lovely words and well deserved result for Šedý poklad!

8.6.-12.6.2022 BEZDREV CUP III.

Complete report: HERE

18.6.2022 Leilla and her owner iva again rock at DIRTY DOG CHALLENGE 2022

This time they were also camping before the race. Leilla enjoys it and goes all in! I am such a fan of them and their times are improving!

2.6.2022 Mortimer and Kenzo Power became Polish Champions!


1.6. 2022 X-rayed pups of litter "O" with fantastic results!

HD A 0/0 & ED 0/0 were Orfeus, Oberon and Oklahoma.
Phantom had also superb results as well - HD A 0/0 & ED 0/0.

29.5.2022 Club show ČSV Bouzov

Representants of our kennel:
Orfeus: Very good
Mufasa: Excellent 2nd
Querida: Very promising 1st, BIS puppy

28.5.2022 Dogtrekking Libová jízda Bílichov

Unplanned event, but these are usually the best :). Together with Legenda and Charleen we did 27 km long distance trek in 5h 4min. So we took 6th and 7th place.

28.5.2022 Regional show Hradec Králové

Judge: Alexandra Grygarová
Queen of Wolf - Very promising 1
Pandora - Excellent 1, Junior class winner

Ganesha Greys

Ganesha Greys and her photo won a special prize of dog magazine Svět psů.

Mufasa on a show cruise in Serbia!

21.5.2022 National show Ruma - Exc.1, CAC, BOB
21.5.2022 International show Ruma - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Mufasa Šedý poklad is a new Champion & Grand Champion of Serbia!


Leilla dn her owner took a part at Military race - Tankodrom Milovice.
Girls, you are amazing :)


DIRTY DOG CHALLENGE 2022 - Kaolin dog race spring.
Great presentation. Thank you :)


Orfeus: Exc. 1, CWC
Legenda MOAI : Exc. 1, CWC, CACIB, BOB
Well organised show in castle park. Congratulation for the results! Unfortunately we did not participade on finals.

8.5. 2022 SHOW Mladá Boleslav

Querida Šedý poklad was very promising 1st in puppy class.

7.5.2022 MUFASA

Mufasa and his owner passed a test of ZZO1. Congratulations.


Orfeus: Exc. 1, CWC, Res CACIB
Jagger: Exc. 1. CWC - NEW CHAMPION PL!
Mufasa: Exc. 1. CWC, CACIB, BOS & NEW C.I.E. CHAMPION!
Legenda MOAI: Ex. 3

Congratulations and thank you for presentation!


Mufasa, Orfeus and Kenzo Power went to compete at a big hungarian show.
All three did well and brough home the title HUNGARIAN CHAMPION.

15.4.2022 judge Grzegorz Robak (PL)
Orfeus Šedý Poklad - intermediate class: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Mufasa Šedý Poklad - champion class: Exc.1, CAC, res. CACIB
Kenzo Power - Exc.1, CAC

16.4.2022 judge Mrs. Kim Ramey Leblanc (CAN)
Orfeus Šedý Poklad - intermediate class: Exc.1, CAC, res. CACIB
Mufasa Šedý Poklad - champion class: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Kenzo Power: Exc.1, CAC

17.4.2022 judge Mr. Augustin Ionescu (RO)
Orfeus Šedý Poklad - intermediate class: Exc.1, CAC, res. CACIB
Mufasa Šedý Poklad - champion class: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Kenzo Power: Exc.1, CAC

18.4.2022 judge Peter Harsanyi (HU)
Orfeus Šedý Poklad - intermediate class: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Mufasa Šedý Poklad - champion class: Exc.1, CAC
Kenzo Power: Exc.1, CAC, Res. CACIB

Congratulations and thank you for presentation!

13.4.2022 Chic & Beauty at dogtreking - Šlapanickéhý vlk

Check & Beauty together with her owner did MID 47,2 km in time 6:45:45 and ended up on 6th place. Congratulation! Great job! :)


(moved to Brno) - judge: MVDr. Vlado Piskay
Great Saturday show, where our dogs did very well. All have gotten an excellent rating also also BOB went with us.

Orfeus: Exc. 1, CAJC, BOJ and BOS! TOP 3 at Junior BIG - short list
Mufasa: Exc. 1, CAC, National Winner and NEW CHAMPION ČMKU!
Legenda MOAI: Exc. 1, CAC, National Winner, BOB!
Cindy Grey: Exc. 1, BOV and 1st place Best Veteran of the day

We did not shine at breeders group, but our dogs did pretty good job.


Judge: Tibor Havelka
This weekend brough a very special weather for our outdoor show ring - snow, rain and cold. The judge Mr. Tibor Havelka did not give title "for free", but our team did great!

Lancelot: Excellent 3
Orfeus: Excellent 1 - without title
Querida: Very promising 2
Mufasa: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB
Legenda MOAI: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG I.
Cindy Grey: Excellent 1
1st place The Best breeders group of Saturday (Orfeus, Cindy Grey, Legenda MOAI, Mufasa)

Also Morfeus and Lee Cooper came to support us. Thank you to the judges and to all who represented our kennel.


Joy's Šedý Poklad
Gene FGF5 (influencingcoat length): N/N
Legenda Moai Šedý poklad
Gene FGF5(influencingcoat length): N/N

30.3.2022 MUFASA

Mufasa tried his luck for the first time at ZM competition. Total score of points wasn't enough to pass the test, however he got very valuable experience. Tracks were tough in drought and mud and all cathegories truggled. On top of that Mufasa was hit by a horse last Saturday and was not in 100% condition. However they passed all other disciplines and got lovely 2nd place. :)

19.3.2022 BONITACE

19.3.2022 the only male from out litter “N” passed his breeding check - Nadir (Ozzy Grey Střípek snů x Cindy Grey) with fabulous code: A 68 Og Qr Xv54,4 Xf 104,4
HD A 0/0, ED 0-0, DM N/ DM, DW N/N, DNA profile
Congratulations to his owners and thank you for presentation of our boy!


Great show, well organised with wonderful prizes with over two thousand entries. Members of our team: Jagger , Mufasa, Cindy Grey, Orfeus, Legenda MOAI and our little houpe Querida was there as well only for training. All did well. Judge was Mr. Miroslav Václavík, who we respect very much due to his fairness and strictness.
Cherry on a top of a cake was Junior Best In Show for Orfeus. Boys (Orfeus a Pavel) are great couple it was so exciting to see them move further and further in the competition. Thank you for that experience, boys! Congratulations to all. Thank you for representing our kennel Šedý Poklad in the final competitions and to Markéta for handling Cindy in the breeders group. We look forward for the next time!
How did we all do?

Orfeus: Excellent 1st, Junior Class Winner, JUNIOR BIS
Jagger: Excellent 1st, Class Winner
Mufasa: Excellent 1st, Class Winner, Regional Winner
Legenda MOAI: Excellent 1st, Class Winner, Regional Winner, Winner of Lysá nad Labem
Cindy Grey: Veteran Class Winner, BIS II. veteran
The best breeders group - 2nd place


Mufasa Šedý Poklad "Moody" does not carry a gene for long coat.
Gene FGF5 (influencing length of coat): N/N


11th of February Mufasa and his owner went to a show in Skopje (Macedonia). Instead of 14 hours of driving it took them 20 hours as their car broke down in Hungary and they had to return back to Czech. So instead of arriving in the evening before the show they arrived 1,5 hours before the show started. It was very tough for them but even through the tiredness they did the best they could during the whole weekend.

National show - Excellent 1, CAC, BOB
International show - Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

National show - Excellent 1, CAC, BOB
International show - Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

Moody did very well and we could watch the whole show online.
During the weekend Moddy added several more titles to his list: Champion Macedonia, Grand Champion Macedonia, Balkan Champion



15th January litter by Joy´s x Orson came into this world. We have 6 "R"ascals - 4 girls and 2 boys. It is a lovely balanced litter. We acccept booking for pups.


15th January very prestigeus event took a place combined with Champion o Champions in TOP Hotel Prague. Legenda MOAI and her master proudly took their prize for the 1st place in FCI group I and then we waited for finals for the competition Champion of Champions. Legenda made it to second round and was chosen among TOP 8 champions of FCI group I.


The shows season of 2022 was started again with our great band. It was an exhausting day, but also very great one! I am so proud of our dogs. Thank you all for presentation! How did we do?
Orfeus: Excellent 3
Mufasa: Excellent 2, Res. CAC
Legenda MOAI: Excellent 1, CAC, National winner, BOS
Cindy Grey: Excellent 1, BOV

* 3rd place Best breeders group out of 15 entred kennels.


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